How many salmon they eat depends how many they can catch, and how large of a bear they are. If the salmon are numerous and each bear can catch the number of salmon they want, they will catch somewhere between 10 and 20 a day, but large males have been seen catching and eating as many as 50.
How often do bears eat salmon?
They sit for hours in the water, catching fish after fish after fish. During these moments, their hunger appears insatiable. Adult bears at Brooks Falls can catch and eat dozens of salmon per day when fishing conditions are optimal.
Adult male bears on Kodiak ate the most salmon on average, consuming an incredible 6,146 pounds (2,788 kg) per bear per year! Adult females ate 3,007 pounds (1,364 kg). Salmon consumption varied among subadult bears, independent juvenile bears between 2.5 and 5.5 years old.
Black Bear Choosing Female Salmon. When salmon are reasonably abundant and available in streams bears often select the carcasses for certain parts. Sometimes they just bite off the top of the head in order to get the very fat rich brains. At other times they just select female salmon in search of their eggs., and more items.
This is a once in a lifetime adventure you will never forget! The best time to view bears catching Salmon is around August to mid-September. In June and July, you can spot the bears eating grass or even clams. There is a chance to spot wolves and foxes as well.
Do bears eat the whole fish?
This is an ephemeral behavior, however. When salmon are not abundant or hard to catch then bears will not be as selective and will most often eat the whole fish. When is the best time of day to watch the bears on the cams?
How much do bears eat in a year?
Subadult females ate 1,248 pounds (566 kg) while subadult males ate 1,305 pounds (592 kg) of salmon per bear per year. Bears at Brooks Falls don’t often eat 150 pounds of fish per day, like 747 demonstrated earlier this summer.
Is it legal to hunt and eat bear in Alaska?
Yes it is legal to hunt bear in Alaska. However there are specific rules about where and when and by whom. Non-residents may need to employ a professional guide and often hunts are by permit drawing only. Rules change so check out the current regulations online. Bear can be eaten but Trichinosis is a big concern.