Raw bacon should not be allowed to sit out for more than 4 hours. An unopened pack of bacon cured with salt and nitrite stays in its best condition for 1-2 weeks at less than 40 F and four months if frozen. Bacon cured without nitrite stays good in the fridge for three weeks and for 6 months if frozen.
So, most of the time, cooked bacon does not go bad if left out on the counter overnight. Some users even vouch that cooked bacon can sit out of the fridge for a couple of days, as long as it is not contaminated. However, this does not apply to “uncured” or unpreserved bacon without nitrites.
Your favorite brisket accessory is safe outside of the refrigerator. That also goes for soy sauce, mustard, jelly and relish. Like most uncooked meats, leaving raw bacon unrefrigerated is never a good idea. Cooked bacon should be kept cool too. We’ve all been there, the next morning after a hazy night, staring at the pizza left out on the table.
Can I eat cooked bacon that sat out all night?
Generally speaking, yes. Even cooked, it’s full of proteins and fats that can decompose or be attacked by bacteria and molds.
The next thing we asked ourselves was, how long can Bacon sit at room temperature before cooking?
Another answer was due to the nitrates/nitrates and smoking process, normal bacon should be safe at room temperature for longer than the 2 hours we give uncured meats, but 32 hours is simply WAY TOO LONG. If the package is sealed I would go for it!
How long after eating bad bacon can you get sick?
Food poisoning symptoms can begin as quickly as four hours or as long as 24 hours after eating contaminated food. People who eat the same contaminated food, say at a picnic or barbecue, will usually get sick about the same time. Will old bacon make you sick?
Is it safe to eat food left out overnight?
Read on to find out what foods are still safe to eat after they’ve been left out overnight and be sure to throw out anything else that’s been left out for longer than two hours, or one hour if it’s a hot day. Bread shouldn’t be put in the refrigerator at all.