The barley harvest began in March-April : the first sheaf being cut and waived in the middle of Aviv, which could be any time between 21st March and the middle of April. It is the same in modern Israel .
When is the wheat harvest in Israel?
The month of Sivan (May) is the time of the wheat harvest and is reflected in the ritual service of the festival of Shavuot by the Two Loaves offering, made from the newly harvested wheat.
The process begins around the month of Kislev (November/December) with staggered sowing of the seeds over a period of four months. The first crops harvested are flax and barley, around the time of the month of Nisan (March), coinciding with the festival of Passover.
The study confirmed that barley needs to be aviv before the new year is declared. By re-considering the relevant scriptures, we will again confirm that the barley must be aviv at the sighting of the new moon in order for the new year to start. We will also consider other areas impacted by this.
What is the barley harvest calendar?
The Barley Harvest Calendar was given to Moses by God in the Torah. Join us in the worldwide efforts of many people to restore God’s calendar.
When is the bird migration in Israel?
When it comes to bird migration in Israel, the normal boxes of fall and spring migration are simply inaccurate. Migration is in full effect for 10 months of the year in Israel. Due to the complexity of migration in Israel, the best way to highlight birding hotspots is by season first, and then location.
What does barley have to do with Passover?
Barley is the first crop harvested in the new year. From this we also learn that the timing of the Passover ( Pesach ), the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Fruit Fruits, are dependent on the start of the month of Aviv. The harvesting of the grain for the offerings happens later with the Feast of Weeks (Shavu’ot.).