It might sound odd to buy bugs to feed your chickens. But mealworms are a great source of protein. A little protein boost can do a lot for your chickens, especially during molting season–it can help them grow feathers back faster. You don’t need to buy live, wriggly mealworms to feed–dried mealworms will do just fine.
You might be asking “What’s the best chicken feed?”
Some have found that the best quality feed would be whole seeds because they are a live food. Each seed contains the potential for a living growing plant. Seeds make up a healthy portion of a natural diet for chickens. Wheat, oats, flax, safflower, and black oil sunflower are readily available as well as other healthy seed.
Chickens enjoy all kinds of greens including grasses, leaves, plants etc. Fresh greens, tender grass clippings, table scraps, vegetables etc. are effective greens for your laying hens. Garlic or onions are strongly flavored vegetables. Avoid feeding your laying hens this types of vegetables because the flavor may transfer to their eggs.
What are the best kinds of chickens?
The Langshan first made its appearance in England in the late 1800s when it was imported from China. Olive Eggers are technically a hybrid and are a fairly new introduction to the chicken scene. A few additional items to keep in mind are plymouth rock, red sex link, swedish black hen, white rock, white leghorn, swedish flower hens, or whiting true blue.
Rhode Island Reds were my very first chickens, and so, of course, they had to be Number one on the list. Australorp chickens are also one of the top layers averaging 250 light brown eggs a year. Cochin, buff orpingtons, leghorns, silkie, sussex, easter egger, barred plymouth rock, and jersey giant are a few more items to think about.
Are the chicken that humans eat male or female?
The simple answer to this commonly asked question is: “both”. Both male and female chickens are used to produce chicken meat. That’s the case right around the world. Unlike the case for the egg industry, where only hens are required to lay the eggs that are sold for human consumption, both male and female meat chickens can.