, severe rash Infections of the lungs or liver, meningitis Seizures that are often associated with fever ( febrile seizures)General severe infection with the virus strain from the vaccine.
Why can chicken pox be so dangerous?
It spreads from person to person through direct contact with the virus. It can also be spread to you through the air if you are near someone with chickenpox who is coughing or sneezing. A pregnant woman with chickenpox can pass it on to her baby before birth. Mothers with chickenpox can also give it to their newborn babies after birth.
This is typically 7 to 21 days from exposure. Unfortunately, you can be contagious before you show a rash – so if you have been exposed to chicken pox, you might be in an incubation period right now, and be contagious without having any signs at all.
Do People get chicken pox anymore?
But chicken pox is crazy contagious . No need for prolonged periods of contact. One sneeze and boom! Chicken pox is not common in the US anymore because of the vaccine. I had it as a kid in the 1970s (not a big deal for me or my sister) and I was hoping that my kids would get it naturally and have it over and done with (and natural immunity).
You are correct that chickenpox (also called varicella) does still exist, both in the United States and all over the world.
What are the first symptoms of chickenpox?
Secondary Viremia (Blister Stage) This photo contains content that some people may find graphic or disturbing. Mouth Sores (Enathem) This photo contains content that some people may find graphic or disturbing. A couple more things to take a look at: formation of pustules, recovery, rash distribution, early-stage rash, or umbilication and scarring.
A crane lifts culled pigs into a container on a farm where 80 pigs died of swine fever on March 4, 2006 in Haltern, Germany.
This begs the query “What are the long – term effects of chickenpox?”
The most frequent answer is, black, tarry stoolsblood in the urine or stoolschillsconfusioncoughdifficulty with breathing or swallowingfeverhivesitching, especially of the feet or handsmuscle or joint pain, and more items.