Chicken of the Woods grows in trees that are either living or decaying. These mushrooms cause a reddish brown heart-rot of wood. If the mushrooms are seen fruiting, you can be sure that the fungus has already attacked the tree. They can destabilize a tree by hollowing out its center–this can be problematic for forest owners.
But despite all of the benefits, chickens can make you sick. It’s uncommon, but chickens carry a number of diseases that affect humans, from salmonella to avian influenza. Fortunately, it is easy to ensure that you don’t get sick from your chickens.
The most common signs of illness in chickens include: Not eating well: going off feed is a tell-tale sign of illness in animals. Bubbly or watery eyes or nose. Rasping when breathing. Sneezing or coughing. Swelling around the eyesA strange odor to the bird (s)Swelling of the comb and/or wattles. Unusual lesions (sores) on the comb and/or wattles. Limping or inability to stand, and more items.
Can you use chicken of the woods instead of chicken?
Be wary of Chickens growing on conifers (in the Northeast) as they are a different species and can cause poisoning. Chicken of the Woods can make a fine chicken substitute as long as you make sure to fully cook the mushroom. Chicken of the Woods grows in trees that are either living or decaying.
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “Do Chicken of the woods mushrooms fruit?”.
When chicken of the woods mushrooms do fruit, they can appear in large quantities, enough for several meals. The specimen of chicken of the woods to the right is well past its prime. Until relatively recently, chicken of the woods mushrooms in British Columbia were classified as Laetiporus sulphureus.
Do backyard chickens pose any health risks to humans?
Owners of backyard chickens and other poultry (eg, ducks, geese, turkeys) should be made aware of the risks these pets pose to humans and take basic biosecurity steps to protect against zoo-notic disease transmission. Backyard poultry can appear healthy and clean but can carry Salmonella spp or Campy-lobacter spp.1-3 Eggs and habitats can also become contaminated.1-3.
One inquiry we ran across in our research was “Do chickens transmit diseases to people?”.
Yes, small flocks of chickens can carry diseases that we, as human, can get. But it really isn’t a serious risk- you are at far, far greater risk from being attacked by your neighbor’s dog or getting hurt on the drive to the grocery store.