The first probable cause is hormones. Age and Time of Year . It’s hard to determine the time of year when a hen might go broody, but usually, this is behavior engaged in by older hens. Some chicken breeds are significantly more likely to go broody than others. A couple more items to take a look at are personality, and egg availability.
The “Boomerang” Technique. Remove the broody hen from the nest multiple times a day. Again, make sure to wear protective gloves. Use treats or “bribes” like dried mealworms to keep the hen out of the nest box. Another trick is to take the hen out of the nesting box and onto the roosts at night.
How to cure broody hens?
Remove her from the nesting box. Pick the broody hen up out of her nest and drop her off with the rest of the chickens in the pen. Block off the nesting box. If she keeps returning to the nesting box after several days, it’s time to up the ante. Some more ideas to take a look at are: make her roost again, bring out the ‘broody buster’, or use frozen vegetables.
Why do chickens eat their own eggs?
There are a few reasons why hens may start eating their own eggs. The most commonly known reasons are: Poor or Unbalanced Diet. Eggs are a great source of nutrition. Most notably, they provide a lot of calcium and protein. If a chicken is lacking either protein or calcium in their diet they will instinctively know to turn to eat their eggs.
Top 10 Ways to Prevent or Break the Egg-Eating Habit. Make sure your chickens are getting enough protein. Keep the eggshells strong. Put a wooden egg or golf ball in the nesting box. A few extra ideas to think about: provide a cushioned nesting box, keep nesting boxes dim/dark, collect eggs frequently, fill an empty egg with english mustard, only feed your chickens cooked/scrambled eggs, and build/buy slanted nesting boxes.
Why do chickens smell bad but taste good?
Chickens have some taste buds, but they are located in the back of their mouth. So, before they can taste something they’ve already committed to swallowing it. Studies on the chicken sense of smell and taste are scarce, but more research has been done on wild birds visiting feeders stocked with diverse seeds.