Top 10 Ways to Prevent or Break the Egg-Eating Habit. Make sure your chickens are getting enough protein. Keep the eggshells strong. Put a wooden egg or golf ball in the nesting box. Only feed your chickens cooked/scrambled eggs, keep nesting boxes dim/dark, fill an empty egg with english mustard, build/buy slanted nesting boxes, provide a cushioned nesting box, and collect eggs frequently too are a couple more items to keep in mind.
Your chickens may be eating their eggs because of calcium deficiency. They could also be going after their eggs if they are not getting enough protein. If you detect that the chickens are eating their eggs, assess their diet for inadequacies.
Do you feed your chickens their own eggs?
You can give chickens eggs cooked any way. Just make sure to bake or microwave the shells and break them up if you feed the shells to the chickens so they do not start eating their own eggs in the nest. Or you could scramble up the shells with the eggs and cook them to feed to the chickens.
Why the egg is the best part about chickens?
Feed and water should be close to the hen. The broody hen should be examined to ensure that she has no external parasites. Any eggs stored for incubation should be kept at a temperature between 12 and 14 °C, at high humidity of between 75 to 85 percent, and stored for no longer More items.
It’s pretty natural for chickens to molt during different times of the year. First-time chicken keepers may not know this, but a laying hen requires plenty of time out in the sunshine, or it may fail to produce eggs. Some extra items to keep in mind: parasites, they could be broody, disease and discomfort, old age, stress, or improper diet.
Why do my chickens act like they are starving?
They act like that because its easy food. No work involved, no foraging, so they eat it fast and try to get the most. Eating more means less foraging after. I have about 38 birds in my flock I believe the cup I use to scoop with is 10 ounces so just over a cup. I toss about 5 cups worth out in the yard in the morning.