Even though we’ve already determined that chickens, especially hens, are quiet animals, there are some breeds that are quieter than others. First off however is the fact that all chickens make noise, and roosters can make quite a bit of it.
You might be asking “Are chickens noisy?”
Chickens are loud for several reasons. Some breeds are louder than others. Hens are especially loud just before laying their eggs, when they feel cooped up or are otherwise upset with their living conditions, and when they feel threatened.
Fortunately, a number of chicken breeds are typically less noisy. Although some poultry breeds are considered quiet, all chickens do make noise. If you live in an area that allows roosters and you include them in your flock, they’ll crow throughout the day.
Chickens will make noises to communicate with each other. They will use sounds to express their feeling. This can include being happy, unhappy, threatened, or worried. For humans, the sounds we hear from the chickens are similar to each other.
Are chickens quiet when they lay eggs?
Not that I know of. My chickens are pretty quiet except when they are laying eggs. And it seems as though egg laying is a community event. One chicken goes in the next box and starts cackling the “I’m laying an egg song” While all the other chickens freeze up and answer with the “yes you are laying an egg song”. It’s pretty funny.
How noisy are backyard chickens?
A Hen and her chicks. You might have noticed that hens and chicks try to communicate always. Morning noises, the egg noise, squawking before laying an egg, broody hens and their grumbles, noise throughout the rest of the day, coop chatter, danger noises – the alarm call, you might have heard this noise several times, or are backyard chickens noisy? Are a couple extra things to pay attention too.
Yes, roosters will crow, but most urban cities and suburban towns prohibit roosters, so that is not the concern. Hens will be more quiet than most dogs, as they go about their daily scratching and pecking. The hen who is about to lay an egg or who has just accomplished her daily work, will cackle loudly.
Do quiet chickens make good neighbors?
But, even when restricted to hens, flocks of quiet chickens make better urban or suburban neighbors. Fortunately, a number of chicken breeds are typically less noisy. Although some poultry breeds are considered quiet, all chickens do make noise.
What is the quietest chicken breed?
Even among hens, some breeds tend to be more settled and less flighty than other chicken breeds. When looking for quiet chickens the first breed often named is the Buff Orpington.