How cold can chickens tolerate at night?

Chickens are quite hardy and can tolerate temperatures below freezing, but they prefer a warmer climate. The ideal temperature for chickens is about 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

One frequent answer is, in general, chickens can survive quite well in cold temperatures. If you live in an area with cold winters, it’s a good idea to consider stocking your flock with cold-hardy breeds like Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Red, and Barred Rocks to name a few.

A frequent inquiry we ran across in our research was “What temperature is too cold for chickens?”.

The average lifespan of chickens is 5-10 years. So, how cold is too cold for chickens? A few experts state that chickens suffer from extreme cold and cannot withstand temperatures below 20 F (-6.6 C) and this temperature is too cold. Chickens do not like to stay out in cold winters for long.

One of the next things we wanted the answer to was can chickens survive freezing temperatures?

Honestly, they are much better in cold temperatures than they are heat tolerant. Some breeds of chickens are better in cold climates than others. If you are in a location where there will be a lot of snow, you want to make sure you get the breed that can handle the colder weather better.

What is the temperature in the chicken coop at night?

That is why if you check the temperature in the coop with a thermometer overnight, you will probably find that it has stayed in the 30-40F range the whole night. That is from their combined heat working together. You also need to make sure the coop has ventilation, so the ammonia gas doesn’t build up from their poop, causing damage to their lungs.

Our bodies become accustomed to the temperature of the season and so do our birds. On a cold night as your chickens huddle together, their body heat can bring the temperature of the coop up. Many chicken keepers report freezing temperatures outside while the inside of a chicken coop is above freezing.

What breeds of chickens are cold hardy?

Some other cold hardy chicken breeds include: Rhode Island Reds. New Hampshire Reds, buff orpington Silver Laced Wyandotte.