Yes, or at least usually. I recommend quickly rinsing salmon fillets in cold running fresh water just before cooking. Then pat the fish dry with a paper towel. Very fresh salmon fillets do not benefit from a rinse, but salmon with a little, or a lot of age will benefit. This is true for all fish, not just salmon.
Do you have to wash salmon before cooking?
First you will want to take the salmon you will be cooking and lay it on the kitchen counter. Make sure to thoroughly rinse the salmon under cold water in order to wash away any residual bacteria that may still be on the fish.
Rub some oil the fish to prevent it from sticking to the grill. You may also consider greasing the grill to keep the fish from sticking. If you are using a charcoal grill, place the salmon on the grill rack over medium coals. If you are using a gas stove, preheat the grill to a medium heat. Place the salmon on the grill and close the grill.
While writing we ran into the inquiry “Do you have to remove the bones from salmon before cooking?”.
Those skinny “pin bones” can be annoying when it comes to eating salmon, so you definitely want to remove them before cooking. But this should be considered a delicate operation, and you should not attempt to hack them out with a knife or your fingers, or you may end up with a flaky mess instead of a filet.
First, don’t worry about thawing your salmon. Yep, there’s no need to move it to the fridge the night before, then realize it’s not completely thawed when you want to cook it, then panic and try to speed-thaw it so it’ll be ready in time.
Should salmon be cooked skin-side up or down?
Many recipes call for starting your cooking process with the salmon aligned skin-side down–this allows the fish to form a sturdier “crust” which is easier to reach under with a spatula and flip when it’s time to switch sides. An exception to the skin rule is when you are poaching salmon fillets.
Does rinsing salmon destroy bacteria?
Not only does rinsing the salmon not destroy bacteria, but it can in fact spread bacteria, not only on the surface of the fish but in your sink, too. The USDA cautions: “do not rinse raw fish, seafood, meat, and poultry.