How to get amaranth seeds stardew valley?

Amaranth is a crop in Stardew Valley. It can be grown during the Fall and takes 7 days to grow. They sell through the shipping container for No Star: 150g, Silver: 187g, Gold: 225g each.

One answer is that amaranth Seeds are a type of seed. Mature plants yield Amaranth. They can be purchased at Pierre’s General Store, at Joja. Mart, from the Magic Shop Boat at the Night Market on Winter 17, and occasionally from the Traveling Cart. They can also be obtained by using the Seed Maker.

Grows in all seasons. Can be harvested each day during the last week of Spring, Summer, and Fall (and Winter if indoors). Wild Seeds can be crafted out of foraged plants once you learn the recipe at the appropriate foraging level (Spring at level 1, Summer at level 4, Fall at level 6, Winter at level 7).

What is amaranth and how to get it?

A amaranth is a crop that is obtainable in fall. The crop takes 7 days to grow and you will recieve 1 per harvest. It can be sold at a base price of 150g, 187g for the silver quality, and 225g for the gold quality. When consumed, you will recieve a boost of 50 energy, and 22 health.

How long does it take to grow amaranth?

Plant these in the fall. Takes 7 days to grow . Harvest with the scythe. Amaranth Seeds are a type of seed. Mature plants yield Amaranth. They can be purchased at Pierre’s General Store, at Joja. Mart, from the Magic Shop Boat at the Night Market on Winter 17, and occasionally from the Traveling Cart.

The official editable wiki maintained by ConcernedApe can be found at stardewvalley wiki . Com A purple grain cultivated by an ancient civilization. Amaranth is a vegetable crop that grows from Amaranth Seeds after 7 days. Amaranth is harvested using a Scythe .

How do you use amaranth in the sewing machine?

Amaranth is used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with Cloth in the feed to create a dyeable Crop Top Shirt. It is a pale violet red dye when used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with a dyeable clothing item in the feed. It can be placed in the purple dye pot at Emily’s and Haley’s house for use in dyeing .