You can tell if your tofu might be turning by examining it before cooking: Color – Moldy tofu is easy to spot (see picture above), it will be slightly blue or green. Smell – The easiest way to tell your tofu is bad is to smell it before cooking it. Touch – Bad tofu is often slimy on the outside. Taste – A good habit to get into when cooking with tofu is to eat a tiny piece of it “raw” before cooking.
While we were researching we ran into the question “Should we eat expired tofu?”.
One way to think about this is “Use by” dates and expiration dates, however, are indicators of food safety; consuming foods past this date can have negative consequences so you should only eat them if you’re sure they’re safe.
How to Tell if Tofu is Bad. Sight A bloated package is an indication that unopened tofu is spoiled. Bloating is caused by the gas produced by the bacterial colony inside the package. Smell If your tofu smells unpleasantly strong and sour, it is better to discard it.
Does tofu expire if unopened?
The answer is yes. Every food, including tofu, will eventually go off even if it’s unopened. If you’re interested in how long tofu actually lasts and looking for ways to prolong the life of your tofu then keep on reading!
Does tofu go bad or expire?
Yes, tofu can reach its expiration dat e and, hence, go bad. Once it does, it’s not recommended to consume the tofu as it can lead to you feeling ill, experiencing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
When does tofu go bad?
Tofu package usually contains water. After some time the water can get cloudy and thickened which is also a sign of bacterial spoilage. If the color changes and turns brownish or darker, it is also a sign that tofu has gone bad. If you see signs of molds, this is also a clear indication to throw your tofu immediately.
Color: It’s one of the most obvious signs of spoilage. Good tofu is usually white. Expired ones usually have a yellowish tint to it. Smell: you can easily tell if the product has gone bad using a smell test. Taste: If it looks good and smells good, take a small slice, does it taste sour and cheesy?