Can oat and hoat coolants be mixed?

Mixing OAT and HOAT is not good. I would shine a flashlight along side the coolant recovery tank and look for muck, sludge, whatever you’d like to call it. Hopefully there’s nothing that resembles that mess in there.

No, a HOAT coolant would need to be manufactured and premixed and then bottled and sold. Do not try to make your own HOAT antifreeze. Not all IAT antifreeze and OAT antifreeze can be mixed together, so it’s definitely better left to the professionals to ensure it’s done correctly.

What happens if you mix up noat and OAT coolants?

If a system was running a NOAT and someone added OAT, the nitrite level would be diluted and possibly compromise cavitation protection, explained Mike Tourville, marketing director for Evans Cooling. To combat confusion, make sure that your coolants are properly marked and clearly labeled.

Some authors claimed so mixing HOAT (OAT+IAT) with OAT = FINE in terms of compatibility just not with the materials in his system long term and when I say not with the materials I mean the whole system being filled with this mixture and not just a minuscule amount that may have made it from the overflow bottle to the circulating coolant.

A frequent inquiry we ran across in our research was “Can I mix G-05 HOAt and OAT antifreeze?”.

I had a jug of G-05 HOAT and thought that it was the proper antifreeze to use. Today I read that Chrysler switched to a OAT antifreeze and you should not mix them. I probably only added a few cups of the G-05 do you think I will have any troubles from mixing the two ??, and prooooobably not? If it were my car I would flush it.

Mixing traditional IAT (green) antifreeze with an OAT antifreeze can also cause a world of problems.

Is there a difference between oat and Hoat coolant?

Nonetheless, many manufacturers use it in modern vehicles due to its long lifespan. There is also a third type of coolant called Hybrid Organic Acid Technology, or HOAT. This is a derivative of OAT coolant, but has more anti-corrosive properties.

Can You Make your own Hoat antifreeze?

Do not try to make your own HOAT antifreeze. Not all IAT antifreeze and OAT antifreeze can be mixed together, so it’s definitely better left to the professionals to ensure it’s done correctly. Most HOAT antifreezes will be labeled with terms like Global, G-05, G-11, G-12, or something of that sort.

What coolant is not compatible with organic acid technology (HOAT)?

It’s important to keep an eye on what coolant is being added to your trucks. Hybrid organic acid technology (HOAT) is not compatible with OAT or NOAT coolants.