What to do with soy milk pulp?

Last Modified: Sep 7, 2021 by Faith Vander. Molen · As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases · 776 words. · About 4 minutes to read this article. Instead of throwing away the okara (soy milk pulp) left over from your homemade soy milk, turn it into this creamy, zesty Okara Hummus!

Let us see if we can figure it out. Soy pulp, though mostly confined within the kitchens of regular nondairy-milk makers in America along with nut and seed pulp, is commonly used in traditional Japanese, Chinese, and Korean cooking.

Spread out the soy bean pulp on a large baking sheet. Bake at 300 F (150 C) for 15-20 minutes. Stir every 5 minutes to help it dry out completely. Let cool for 15 minutes before storing in an air-tight bag or jar. Optionally, grind in a food processor to make a fine flour . Store the flour for up 6 months.

What can I make with soy milk?

Take a clean and dry container. If you already have prepared curds, throw 2 tablespoons of curds into the container. Pour boiled and cooled milk into it (lukewarm)Cover the container and store it in a dark, warm place and let it ferment for 6hrs. Your thick yoghurt will be ready, and more items.

How to make soy milk – Step by step. Soak the soybeans in water overnight. Drain the soybeans and remove the outer skins. Then blend the soybeans with 3 cups or 750 ml of water until well blended and almost smooth (photo 1). Strain the blended mixture using a nut milk bag, a cheesecloth, a napkin or a fine mesh strainer (photo 2).

What are the dangers of drinking soy milk?

, 1 Soybeans contain large quantities of natural toxins or “antinutrients”. Soybeans are dangerously high in natural toxins called anti-nutrients. In fact, just two glasses of soy milk daily can alter a woman’s natural monthly cycle.