Lentils contain soluble fiber, which not only helps with constipation, it also helps reduce your risk of heart disease. Eat lentil soup for a high-fiber meal to help you have regular bowel movements. Constipation occurs due to a variety of factors. If you have no bowel movements in a week, or only one or two, you are constipated .
Some authors claimed lentils are rich in fiber and therefore do not cause constipation, this legume helps the intestines and colon work better and constantly, allowing a better and followed evacuation. They help the intestines have a normal movement, thanks to their content of vitamins B1 and B2, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and iron.
While we were reading we ran into the question “Does lentil soup make you constipated?”.
One way to consider this is Lentil Soup for Constipation Constipation can cause you to experience intestinal discomfort and increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a high-fiber diet contributes to regular bowel movements and helps to prevent and treat constipation.
What happens if you eat too many lentils?
The intake of dietary fiber, particularly from lentils has been known to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Consuming too many lentils may have health consequences, such as increased flatulence, amino-acid side effects, kidney distress and potassium toxicity.
They can cause flatulence, stomach cramping and intestinal discomfort from the gas released during fermentation, according to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lentils contain lysine, an essential amino acid that aids in the maintenance of growth, the preservation of nitrogen, the absorption of calcium and the conservation of lean body mass.
This of course begs the question “What are the health benefits of lentils?”
According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a high-fiber diet contributes to regular bowel movements and helps to prevent and treat constipation. Lentils contain soluble fiber, which not only helps with constipation, it also helps reduce your risk of heart disease.
What foods can make constipation worse?
The foods you eat may be making your constipation worse, so it’s good to identify the foods that may be contributing to the problem. Another advantage to doing so is that fried foods, too much red meat, and a lack of fiber can contribute to a host of other health issues.