What bean has the most fiber?

Of the many types of cooked beans, navy beans stand out for having the most fiber. You’ll get almost 10 grams in a 1/2 cup of cooked navy beans. Small and white, navy beans serve as the basis of hearty soups and also of that American staple, baked beans.

A few beans high in fiber on a per-weight basis include winged beans, hyacinth beans, and French beans, while a few beans high in fiber on a per-calorie basis include kidney beans and hyacinth beans. Whole foods are advocated among nutritionists in large part due to their vast array of various nutrients packaged together in one piece.

How many grams of fiber are in white beans?

A 100-gram serving of cooked white beans contains 10.4 grams of fiber. White beans also contain protein, vitamins C, E and K, as well as minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper and potassium.

A cup of boiled navy beans has 19.1 grams of fiber, and the same amount of small white beans has 18.6 grams.

What are the healthiest beans to eat?

The healthiest beans in our rankings are fiber-dense. A few beans high in fiber on a per-weight basis include winged beans, hyacinth beans, and French beans, while a few beans high in fiber on a per-calorie basis include kidney beans and hyacinth beans.

Which beans have the least amount of starch?

There are only a couple types of commonly eaten beans that have very low levels of starch – less than 10 grams of starch per 100 grams of bean — and they are all green! Again, see the table below. This time, I have included green beans, peas, and sugar snap peas at the end of the list for comparison.

Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, and the like are harvested when they are fully mature, which gives the plants more time to store energy (in the form of starch) in the seeds. Green beans and peas, on the other hand, are harvested before they are fully mature, which means the starch has not had much time to build up.

Some articles claimed beans contain both starch (which is a form of carbohydrate) and protein (although the protein in most beans has an incomplete amino acid profile). In the table below, you will see a comparison between the starch content and protein content of various types of beans.

Just like beans, peas, and sugar snap peas are categorized as legumes, or pulses — seeds that grow in pods. So if you’re looking for legumes that are low in starch, you will want to gravitate towards green beans and different types of peas.