Starbucks uses a type of bean called Arabica. It is the most prevalent bean used in commercial coffee, such as Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts™. Arabica beans are harvested from the cherry berries of the Coffea arabica tree. They are one of two kinds of beans, as the other type of bean is called Robusta.
What beans does Starbucks use to make their coffee?
You would think they would use high-quality Arabica beans when selling coffee at $5 a cup. However, there has been a Consumer Report study done showing how a 12 ounce coffee at Starbucks had twice the caffeine content of an equal size cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.
Rather than whole bean or pre-ground coffee like you would buy in bags, Starbucks® Premium Instant Coffee is microground coffee made up of 100% arabica beans, all sourced from Latin America.
What makes Starbucks Coffee Starbucks Coffee?
As we stated before the two most popular types of coffee beans are arabica and robusta. Arabica is the “gourmet” bean and Robusta is the lower quality, bitter bean. So what happens when we have commercialized coffee with burned robusta bean? We get Starbucks. This is the combination of coffee beans that creates Starbucks Coffee.
Why do people think Starbucks beans are better than other beans?
Because Starbucks beans are certainly higher quality than the mass market crap (ie. Tasters Choice, Folgers, etc.). How do I know this? Because Starbucks uses 100% Arabica beans to make their coffee while mass market coffee is made mostly from Robusta beans. Much like there are different varieties of apples (ie.
Why does Starbucks use arabica beans instead of robusta?
Because Starbucks uses 100% Arabica beans to make their coffee while mass market coffee is made mostly from Robusta beans. Much like there are different varieties of apples (ie. Red Delicious, Macintosh, etc.) there are two main varieties of commercially grown coffee plants: Arabica and Robusta.
What are Arabica coffee beans?
Arabica Beans Arabica beans are the main variety of coffee beans that are consumed by the world. They are considered a “ high quality” bean. This is something to keep in mind when we do some research about Starbucks coffee.
Are Robusta beans good for espresso?
The beans are grown in Africa and Indonesia and are much easier to grow than Arabica beans. As a result, they are considered a lower quality bean and is priced accordingly. Robusta Beans tend to be more bitter and less flavorful than other beans. Because of this, Robusta Beans are good for espresso because of their deep and dark flavor.