Barley straw prevents the growth of algae. It does not kill existing algae.
The next thing we wondered was how does barley straw work for koi ponds?
If you have any experience with keeping koi in large outdoor ponds, you’ve had some experience with algae. Controlling it is not always an easy task. Throughout your struggles, you’ve probably heard something about barley for ponds. How does this work and what’s it all about? The exact mechanism of how barley straw works is still unknown.
A frequent query we ran across in our research was “Does barley straw kill algae in ponds?”.
When applied at the proper time and rate, barley straw has been a very successful algae control technique in Pennsylvania ponds. How does it work? Barley straw does not kill existing algae, but it inhibits the new growth of algae.
The effectiveness of barley straw will depend on the amount of algae you have, the type of algae, and how quickly you want it gone ! As with many natural methods of control, the turnaround to see results is often much slower in comparison to mechanical and chemical treatments.
How does barley straw work?
The exact mechanism of how barley straw works is still unknown. As the barely straw breaks down, it releases compounds that keeps algae from growing, especially string-type algae.
A frequent query we ran across in our research was “Does barley straw really work?”.
One study showed that barley straw liquor (extract) worked a bit, but barley straw did not work. Some studies show an effect in the lab, but not in the field. One of the problems with much of this work is a lack of standardized testing methods for algae response and a lack of a standard product.
They appear to be working just fine. And then I read that barley straw is a great way to get rid of blanket weed. . And I figured that, if I put several bales in the pond, they would defeat the weed and allow me to plant bog-plants in the bales win/win.
How long does it take for barley straw to work?
On average, you should start seeing results within 2-4 weeks during warmer months and 4-6 weeks in colder months. Remember, barley straw is a preventive method of algae control, not an algae killer, so a good result from barley treatment would be less algae returning the following year.
What kind of straw do you use for a pond?
It is promoted as straw in a liquid form. Barley straw pellets are also available, but these sink to the bottom of the pond, and since they need to decompose aerobically (see below) I don’t see how they can work. Barley straw works better than other types of straw, such as wheat straw.
Can you use liquid barley extract instead of barley straw?
If you have liquid barley extract, you should also dose as per the label guidelines. Dissolved extract has the advantage of remaining free-swimming and being in constant sunlight, and you should see results faster in comparison with barley straw. How long does barley straw take to work in ponds?