Consumer Reports suggests mixing up your grain consumption with other grains that are naturally lower in arsenic. Amaranth, buckwheat, millet and polenta have almost no levels of arsenic. Bulgur, barley, and farro have very low levels. And quinoa has less than rice.
Which grains have the least arsenic in them?
Vary your grains, especially if you eat more than two or three servings of rice per week. Though not arsenic-free, wheat and oats tend to have lower levels than rice. And quinoa, millet, and amaranth are among other options for those on a gluten-free diet, though they have not been studied as much.
Because rice contains arsenic, foods derived from rice naturally contain it too. Popular rice products that are consumed in large amounts include infant cereals, ready-to-eat cereals, rice cakes, rice pasta, rice flour, rice crackers, and rice milk.
A bowl of cooked white rice. Consumer Reports suggests mixing up your grain consumption with other grains that are naturally lower in arsenic. Amaranth, buckwheat, millet and polenta have almost no levels of arsenic. Bulgur, barley, and farro have very low levels.
Is millet bad for You?
While millet does not contain gluten, it does contain goitrogens. These are substances that suppress thyroid activity and can lead to goiter. This condition involves enlargement of this very important gland which resides in the throat.
Is millet bad for your thyroid?
Goitrogens in millets – Goitrogens are substances that suppress thyroid activity and can lead to goiter. Goitrogens in millets block iodine absorption which is very important for thyroid function. Studies have shown that people who rely completely on millet as their staple showed symptoms of goiter. Protect your thyroid at all cost !
Do millets cause goitre?
Studies in some populations that consume millets as a staple have shown unusually high prevalence of goitre.
You should be thinking “What are the limitations of millets?”
There are some limitations with millets too. Goitrogens in millets – Goitrogens are substances that suppress thyroid activity and can lead to goiter. Goitrogens in millets block iodine absorption which is very important for thyroid function. Studies have shown that people who rely completely on millet as their staple showed symptoms of goiter.