Barley can have a shelf life of up to one year if properly stored. Question is, how can you tell if barley has gone bad? The best way is to smell and look at the barley: if the barley develops an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold or insects appear, it should be discarded.
One answer is barley is a rich source of dietary fiber, copper, manganese, and vitamin B1. It is a grain, refined and pearled grain lasts longer than whole grains. With the proper storage, barley can have a shelf life of up to a year.
When stored correctly, grains used in brewing have a storage life of 6 months to a year. Moisture & O2 exposure are the biggest risks. Chilling & freezing lead to the longest shelf-life and unmalted and unmilled grains generally also last longer. After 12 months, grains should be replaced if unused.
Should you store barley in an emergency food supply?
Your time and effort will be wasted if you choose to attempt to store it like you would other grains. Pot barley and Pearl barley should also be avoided when building an emergency food supply. These forms of barley are processed and the hull is removed.
What happens if Barley gets too wet?
In cooler climates, barley can be stored on a shelf or the pantry away from sunlight. Moisture still poses a threat as it can lead to spoiling. The indicators are a foul odor, change in texture or hardness. If the barley clusters together that means there is moisture in the container.
Whole grains can go rancid but I think barley is probably good a LONG time. I buy it in bulk and I have no idea when I bought it but it always tastes fine. Soup sounds tasty!
Where can I find pearl barley in the grocery store?
Pearl barley can be found next to the rice at the grocery store and packaged for long-term storage at food storage supply stores. Other forms of barley can generally be found at health food stores, however these are not usually packaged for long-term storage.