How much does a side of beef weigh?

We sell a side of beef for $5.50 per pound (a quarter of beef is $6.00), a side of our grass fed beef weighs approximately 200 – 300lbs. The yield after butchering the side is usually around 60-70% of the hanging weight, depending on the cuts you select.

It depends on the breed, age, and feeding practices. At Hayfield Farm, our whole beef hang at approximately 800 pounds and our half beef hang at approximately 400 pounds. You can expect approximately 600-650 pounds of meat from a whole cow and 250-300 pounds of meat from a half cow.

At Monnett Farms, we sell our beef by the hanging weight – which is the weight of a side of beef, hanging in the butcher’s cooler after the head, feet and organs have been removed, but before it’s butchered into the usable cuts.

This is what our research found. on average a quarter of beef weighs about 200 pounds (hanging weight) so the final weight, after processing, would be about 140 lbs (estimated). During processing, this “yield loss” occurs in 2 ways.

How thick is each side of beef?

All cuts are available the average thickness 3/4 in. Each side of beef includes: Anything you don’t use goes into hamburger. Cut, Vacuum Sealed and Frozen…all for no extra charge!

How much meat is a quarter of a cow?

A quarter beef will equal approximately 110 pounds of meat, and depending on your processing choices, 5%-50% of that will be ground beef, and the other part will be primal cuts (steaks, roasts, brisket, ribs, etc.).

How to buy a side of beef?

Flank Steak, a thin steak from either side of the groin area. Short Ribs, from the plate of the animal and are cut in 1” wide to 3” long. Stew Meat (typically 1lb packs), this comes from the whole animal. Brisket, this piece of meat comes from the chest area and is wonderful to put in a smokehouse for a nice long slow cook, and more items.

How to order half a beef?

If you want t-bone steak then you won’t get New York strips or tenderloin. If you choose to have New York strip steaks and tenderloin (or filets) then you won’t get t-bone steaks. When you choose the tenderloin option you can get it whole or have it cut into Filet Mignon steaks, and more items.

How much should I pay for a half of beef?

The price of a side of beef usually depends on how much meat is purchased, the butcher you purchase from, geographical location and quality of meat. On average, a complete side of beef can vary anywhere from $3 to $4.50 per “hanging weight” pound, including the processing.