When to plant broad beans uk?

When to grow broad beans

For autumn sowing: October – November
For spring sowing: February – April
For planting young plants: May.

When to plant broad beans in the UK?

Broad beans are easy to sow direct into the ground in March, April and even early May, for harvests throughout the summer. Sowing in November or February is also possible in milder parts of the UK or very sheltered sites, especially those with well-drained soil.

When is the best time to plant broad beans?

Broad bean seeds are large, so they’re very easy to sow. Hardy varieties, such as ‘Aquadulce Claudia’, can be sown in autumn (October or November) for an early crop the following May. Spring sowing is generally more reliable, especially in heavy clay soil, which can lead to the seed rotting before germinating.

How do you grow broad beans in the UK?

Water well and keep in good light. Broad beans are easy to sow direct into the ground in March, April and even early May, for harvests throughout the summer. Sowing in November or February is also possible in milder parts of the UK or very sheltered sites, especially those with well-drained soil.

Also, how do you grow broad beans from seed?

We can figure it out! They’re easy to grow from seed, yielding green pods of green or white beans that can be used in salads, stews and soups. They don’t take up too much space and can be grown in the ground, in raised beds and in large pots. You can also buy young plants in early spring. Sow broad beans outside in spring or autumn, 20cm apart, in rows 60cm apart .

A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “How far apart do you plant broad beans?”.

Sow broad beans outside in spring or autumn, 20cm apart, in rows 60cm apart. If you live in a cold area, have heavy soil or a problem with mice, sow seeds under cover first, and plant the young plants out six weeks later.

What month do you harvest broad beans?

Harvest when the pods are just 6cm long, for the most tender beans. Broad bean seeds are large, so they’re very easy to sow. Hardy varieties, such as ‘Aquadulce Claudia’, can be sown in autumn ( October or November ) for an early crop the following May.

Can broad beans grow in the same soil twice?

That is ideal but to be honest broad beans will grow in most soils as long as they are not water logged, or too much acid. You should sow the seeds in a reasonably sunny spot. Never grow broad beans in the same soil that you have used the previous year.