Should pork juices run clear?

If the juices are not clear, the meat should be returned to the heat source for further cooking. Meats that are being cooked by the use of a long braising or stewing method must be tested for doneness by piercing the meat with a skewer or long knife.

Another thing we wondered was is it OK to cook pork pink in the middle?

In short, yes! We used to be afraid of pink pork because of a parasite known as trichinosis, but the risk of contracting it is virtually nonexistent these days. Like beef, pork temperatures are designed to cook the meat long enough to nix E. Coli, which means it may have a little color in the middle . How do you know when pork is done?

Does pork lard go bad?

If you are curious about whether lard does go bad, unfortunately, it does. The reason is that it is made up of saturated molecules of fat and it has a stable structure because it can be solid at room temperature. Even though it can be stored at room temperature, spoilage can be rapid if the temperature keeps changing.

While lard can stay perfectly good at room temperature and won’t spoil for the longest of time, still the most recommend storing of lard is in the fridge to give it an even longer life and avoid the risk of lard going rancid or bad. Isn’t all this information too useful for all the lard eaters?

It is the perfect ingredient for piecrusts and does not have a pork flavor. If you are curious about whether lard does go bad, unfortunately, it does. The reason is that it is made up of saturated molecules of fat and it has a stable structure because it can be solid at room temperature.

How do you know when pork is done cooking?

Piercing: Another method for testing doneness is to prick the cut of pork with a fork or the tip of a knife and check to see if the juices that escape run clear. If the juices are clear or have just a very faint pink tint, the meat is done.

Smaller cuts such as chops, steaks and cutlets can be left to stand for a shorter period of time, approximately 3 to 5 minutes. A meat thermometer will not work for checking doneness of some pork cuts.

What happens if you eat Rancid lard?

Rancid lard has an unpleasant, sour, or off/different smell, and if your lard is smelling like that it has likely gone rancid and shouldn’t be consumed. Will rancid lard make you sick? The major problem with occasionally consuming rancid edible oil is its unpleasant taste and smell, but it does not make you sick right away.

What happens if you freeze lard?

Freezing lard in its original packaging will cause it to become frost burned and change in flavor and texture. Always remove your lard from its original packaging and place it in freezer safe containers if you want to freeze it and extend the shelf life of it.