Do salmon come from the ocean?

Salmon are native to tributaries of the North Atlantic (genus Salmo) and Pacific Ocean (genus Oncorhynchus). Many species of salmon have been introduced into non-native environments such as the Great Lakes of North America and Patagonia in South America. Salmon are intensively farmed in many parts of the world.

How long do salmon stay in the ocean?

When the salmon reach the ocean they are considered to be adult salmon. They will stay in the ocean from six months to five years. They will feed mostly on shrimp, squid, and small fish.

What do salmon do before going into the ocean?

Three main things must occur for the young salmon, called a smolt, to prepare for life in the salty ocean. First, it must start drinking a lot of water. Second, the kidneys have to drop their urine production dramatically.

How salmon came to the squamish?

A story recounts how the salmon come to the Squamish people; the salmon have their own world, and an island far out in the ocean. They appear every year to sacrifice themselves to feed the people, but the people asked that after the people are done with them, they return the salmon bones back to the ocean so they can come back.

Where can I see salmon in the Squamish watershed?

Juvenile Coho salmon can be seen throughout the year, as they tend to stay within the river for 1-3 years before heading to the ocean.

How did the chief make the young people become Salmon?

Shortly before the visitors had landed, the chief had directed four of his young people, two boys and two girls, to go into the water and swim up the creek into the salmon trap. Obeying his orders, they had drawn their blankets up over their heads and walked into the sea. As soon as the water reached their faces, they became salmon.

What is the purpose of the Squamish hatchery?

There are self-guided tours of the site and information signs.