If you’re using maitake to boost your health, you can add it to any food in which you would normally add mushrooms. It can be added to stir-fry, salad, pasta, pizza, omelets, or soup. You can also fry the mushrooms in butter or grill them.
Is maitake mushrooms good for You?
While all forms of maitake have been shown to have health-promoting components, for concentrated myco-nutrients like the D-fraction, a quality dietary supplement might be a more suitable option.
You can also freeze it raw. Maitake may also be taken as a liquid concentrate or in dry form in capsules. If you decide to take it as a supplement, look for maitake D-Fraction, which is an extract of the mushroom . The correct dosage depends your age, weight, and health.
4 Good for Diabetes and Hypertension. 6 (more items).
Maitake’s D-fraction is comprised of unique protein-bound beta-glucans known as beta-1,3 glucan and beta-1,6 glucan (or a 3-branched ß-l,6-glucan with about 30% protein). Although conclusive evidence is still pending, this compound has been scientifically suggested in research to be one of the mushroom’s main supportive components to immune system functioning in both mice and on human cells.
One maitake-specific beta-glucan that has been studied in recent years is its main active constituent known as “D-fraction”. Maitake’s D-fraction is comprised of unique protein-bound beta-glucans known as beta-1,3 glucan and beta-1,6 glucan (or a 3-branched ß-l,6-glucan with about 30% protein).
What are the health benefits of maitake D-fraction?
A 2013 study indicates that maitake D-Fraction could be useful in preventing and treating breast cancer. Researchers suggest that this mushroom can fight the growth and reproduction of cancerous cells.
Another thing we wanted the answer to was, how many maitake PD-fraction should I take?
Suggested Use: Take 5-6 drops 3 times daily, or more as recommended by your health care professional. Maitake PD-Fraction Standardized to contain 30% proteoglucan ; D-fraction 22 mg, Vegetable Glycerine, Water For health maintenance, take 6 drops three times a day or as directed by your practitioner.